Sunday, 30 September 2012

Holidays Holidays You've got to love them!!!

These holidays im staying up in Manipouri with my Nana and Pop for The first week then the second week im going to be back home hanging out with friends and family lots of fun will upload some photos soon.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

                                                                    Term 3 Reflection

:Something I am proud of is my speech because i understood what I was writing about and set it out well.

:Something I still need to improve on is my spelling because and proof reading because i rush and it is a    big jumble.

Reading Goal:To improve on my oral language and pick the key words out of the text .I can improve this by reading more articles out loud in class and at home .i can improve finding the key words in the text by doing some work sheets for homework an din class.

Writing Goal:To improve on my punctuation and proof reading the text.I can improve this by taking my time and not rushing and going back after each sentence to make sure it makes sense , and for my punctuation i can do some work sheets.

Maths Goal:To improve on my division 7,8,9 and 12 .I can improve this by practicing in the back of my book and at home.

By Taliesha

Thursday, 20 September 2012

This is my still image. It's just a plan shadow of the plaground with two pepole standing on the top of it.

Tautuku camp 2012

Here is a poem i wrote about camp

T rickling rain everyday

A mazing scenery every were you look

U npredicable weather

T eam work

U nique features

K ayaking was the best

n real nature around Tautuku

By Taliesha
                                          A letter just for you

I had a really good time at Tautuku camp and i'd love to do it all over again .The scenery was great and the activitys were really fun and active. My favourite part on camp was getting to no some pepole in room 10 a bit better and also some of the kids parents so thank you all room 10 and parents/teachers for makeing this years camp the best it could be.

Thanks Taliesha

Monday, 17 September 2012

This is my manipulated image. All i did to this photo was change the tone of the picture and make the outline and corners black.
This is my Nana's dog Rusty he is a Jack Russell.

By Taliesha Hair

Camp Tautuku  2012 Photos.

A water fall near Mc clean falls
Mc clean falls 

This was a beach near by the camp.

This photo was taken at the petrified forest on the way home it was like a
fossil on a rock but it was just dirt that had formed into a love heart.

This photo was taken around the rocks from the petrified forest .