Tuesday, 28 August 2012

For homework this week we have to chosse a paralympic, ive chossen to do mine on Athea Gunner, so here are some facts about her.
This is Athea Gunner and her horse.

Event: Equestrain
Grade II - Individual Championship Test
Grade II - Individual Freestyle Test




Disabilty: Is paralysed as On a rainy Wellington day in 2006, Gunner was leading her horse up a narrow track before he slipped down a bank and crushed her against a rock. The freak accident rendered her paralysed from the waist down.

Why: i chosse to do my profile on Athea Gunner is because when i read through a couple of articles she started to inspire me because she never gave up and got back up on her horse as she had never been hurt.

Other olympics shes been to:Debut

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Mars Curiosity Rover Report (Aug.10, 2012)

Finally its happened, Curiosity has landed on mars and is starting to send back colour pictures of mars. In one of the pictures that was sent back there was mountians in the backround which is a good sign of water/life. Curisoity is the biggest robot that N.A.S.A has ever have sent to mars. N.A.S.A were very excited when Curosity landed on mars, and they hope they find a sign of life soon.
By Taliesha Hair

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

This term we have been doing a bit of photography in class Here are some photos i took on an activity on shadows
This is me presenting my speech about why you shouldn't speed!!! Hope you enjoy and learn something.

Untitled from Room 10 Winton on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012