Thursday, 23 August 2012

Mars Curiosity Rover Report (Aug.10, 2012)

Finally its happened, Curiosity has landed on mars and is starting to send back colour pictures of mars. In one of the pictures that was sent back there was mountians in the backround which is a good sign of water/life. Curisoity is the biggest robot that N.A.S.A has ever have sent to mars. N.A.S.A were very excited when Curosity landed on mars, and they hope they find a sign of life soon.
By Taliesha Hair


  1. Well done Taliesha I think you did a good job on listing wwwwh


  2. This really is an exciting NASA project - especially if there are mountains noted!
    Great to see this report on your blog Taliesha - well done!
    Miss Brown
